Whether we agree or disagree
If you’re a friend in District B
Register today and vote for me
My name is Ryan and I am running for public office. I grew up in the Washington, D.C. area, have lived in New Orleans for eight years and have never stopped caring about my community. With your vote, we can “learn by doing” and share what we discover about participation to inspire our neighborhood.
Off to the Races!

Perhaps, in the news, you’ve heard about The Democrats. I am running for a seat on the Orleans Parish Democratic Executive Committee, known as the OPDEC or the Orleans Parish DPEC. Both report to the Democratic State Central Committee. Between the parishes and the state, “They are responsible for the endorsement of local candidates, as well as for building Democratic infrastructure within their communities.”
New Orleans has five city council districts. My Uptown corner is District B. Every Democrat can vote for multiple representatives from their district to this committee and the candidates with the 14 highest number of votes in my district are included in the 70 total in our parish. My aim is 2,000 votes.
Democratic Parish Executive Committees (DPECs)…
- hold general responsibility for local Democratic Party affairs
- report to State and National Committees
- endorse local candidates
- build party infrastructure
- fund raise support these activities
- hold at least four meetings to organize these activities
- and affiliate with local organizations.

What I believe.
Personally, I describe myself as Left-Wing because I’m fighting for a more joyful and connected world. While I haven’t always been a “Democrat,” and have abundant qualms with my fellow Democrats, I do believe that the party’s progressive ideals are the best compass for a better future. They’re simply my team, and conveniently, Democrats have a large presence in New Orleans.
I try not take myself too seriously, but I’m lucky to have grown up around politics. Few people have patience for silly games. National news seems geared to selling national media and local politics, intentionally and by accident, has its own mazes and foxholes. Since fools rush in where angels fear to tread, the best way I know to learn more about something is by participating in it. Please vote for me so I can report to you my discoveries found through holding public office.
Renewing the Democratic Party with the younger voices, artistic expression and solidarity with the workers in our service and creative industries will lead to victory.
I certainly have competition. Life has always had more than enough hurt to go around, but lately, darkness has stalked our world. It’s hard to find the truth, love and unity to overcome today’s mobs and cults. But, there must be light. So I will do my best to compete and win against those who profit off of poverty, find pride in their suspicions, care little but to make chaos, trash and cancel without redemption and those who belive the end times have arrived. Please join me in this fight for the future, to encourage a brighter story with our mass participation.
Nationally, I’m a big fan of Elizabeth Warren. Since her television debut in 2009, I’ve enjoyed her outlook and the way she explains our system. She expresses her interpretation from deep preparation with clarity, and we need honesty from our leaders. I then far prefer Bernie Sanders to everyone else and ultimately, the candidate who can beat our current president.

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